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96 Main Street, Markethill BT60 1PL

Price £850 / month

Key Information

Address 96 Main Street, Markethill
Rent Price £850 / month
Deposit £850
Rates Paid by Tenant
Viewable From Now
Available From Now
Lease 3 years minimum
Style Offices
Size 91 sq. metres
Status To let

Additional Information

Former Insurance Office

96 Main Street, Markethill, BT60 1PL

Reception Area:  Glazed door, two large windows, tiled floor, radiator

Main Office Floor area:

28’08” x 15’00”- power points, fluorescent lights , two radiators

Private Office:  12’08” x 7’11” – phone and power points, radiator

Kitchen:  10’1” x 9’01” – Sink and units, bench area, radiator, vinyl floor

WC:   5'11" X 4'10" white suite, tiled floor

Yearly Rates – £2150.15 per year but check LPS

Monthly Rent £850.00

Available Now

Reception area and front benches can be removed

These particulars are given on the understanding that they will not be construed as part of a contract, conveyance or lease. Whilst every care is taken in compiling the information, we can offer no guarantee as to the accuracy thereof and enquirers must satisfy themselves regarding descriptions and measurements.